How Can I Tell If My Tire is Flat?

Flat tires are one of the most common problems that drivers face on the road. It can be a frustrating and dangerous experience to have a flat tire while driving. However, it is important to know how to identify a flat tire and what to do about it. If you suspect you have a flat tire, it is important to pull over safely and inspect your tires. In some cases, you may need to call for roadside assistance or a towing company Calgary to transport your vehicle to a repair shop. In this article, we will discuss how to know if you have a flat tire and what steps to take in case you do. Look for Visual Signs The first and most obvious way to know if you have a flat tire is to look for visual signs. If your tire is completely flat, you will be able to see that it is not properly inflated. You may also notice that the tire is sagging or appears to be lower than the other tires. In some cases, the tire may even look deflated. Another visual sign to look for is damage to the tire. If you not...